Emergency Services
Because of budget cuts, Riverside County has phased out the county's volunteer firefighting departments and created a Volunteer Reserve Firefighter Program with stricter standards. They have authorized Rancho Carrillo Station 62 to continue to operate as an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Response station.
"Rancho Carrillo Emergency Services" (aka "Rancho Carrillo Volunteer Fire Company") will privately respond to emergencies (wind damage, earthquake, fire, traffic accidents, etc.) until outside help from Orange or Riverside County arrives.
Membership in the Medical and/or Emergency Response Teams is open to all Rancho Carrillo owners and residents over the age of 18. (Exceptions: Anyone with known heart disease, epilepsy, or emphysema must submit a physician's certificate of fitness.) Trainings are held on the second Saturday of each even month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec).
Auxiliary (Green Team 1)
Members of the Auxiliary assist with people and pets during emergencies (communication, evacuation, direct traffic, etc.) They also assist with the cleaning of the fire station and the maintenance of the trucks. The Auxiliary is responsible for fund-raising. Attendance at quarterly trainings is recommended but not required.
Emergency Response Team aka "Brigade" (Red Team 2)
In the event of a traffic accident, windstorm, fire, earthquake, or other natural disaster, members of the Emergency Response Team may voluntarily respond:
· Staging fire hoses and operating hydrant
· Application of Fire retardant material to brush or structures
· Operation of light, medium, and heavy equipment to clear, lift, cut, or dig.
· Communication
The Emergency Response team is not under the umbrella of Riverside County Fire Department or CalFire, but will support and adhere to their instructions. Personal protection gear will be provided to those who attend four trainings per year.
Medical Response Team (Blue Team 3)
When called upon, trained members of the Rancho Carrillo Emergency Response Medical Team respond on a voluntary basis to assist ill or injured patients with advanced first aid, life-saving techniques, and preparation for transport to a hospital. Current EMR (Emergency Medical Responder) or EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) certification is required for official response to medical emergencies, but all residents are encouraged to go through trainings (CERT, Advanced First Aid, and RC trainings) to assist the First Responders in medical emergencies.
To complete the Emergency Services survey, contact Nancy S.